Tuesday, July 29, 2008

"Colon sees light at end of tunnel"

I'll bet you $1,000,000,000 trillion dollars, and the lives of all my relatives, distant as well as close, but especially close, that that MLB.com headline writer, having experienced (no less than generated) an effusion of creative genius equaled in music only by late-period Beethoven and in literature only by post-prison Dostoyevsky, thought up that cutie months ago and has since had it ready to deploy, quivering in its fully taut bow, awaiting the first sign of healing by the prostrate lower back of the Red Sox' fat backup plan. I mean, god damn, if my job were to think up headlines for Bartolo Colon news (if only!), I'd be prepped for every scenario short of alien invasion. Aliens Probe Colon. Make that, every scenario, without exception.


Blackadder said...

One can only imagine what this modern day bard has in store should Chien-Ming Wang face Colon late in the season.

Jack Klompus said...

In such an eventuality, all websites and newspaper sections pertaining to the game of baseball would be reduced to iterations of "cock cock poopie fart" as the heads of the country's sports journalists simultaneously explode into orgiastic oblivion.

I'll put money on that one, too.